Sweden & New Zealand actually have something in common: scientific advisors in both countries did not think a vaccine would be available soon enough, so they chose their final objective. Sweden chose trying to build immunity through letting virus go, while NZ chose elimination.
Other countries are now in a 'holding pattern' through 'control' strategies & waiting to learn more about immunity (does it last?), case fatality rate, long-term complications for survivors & how long a vaccine could take.
Problem is that suppression becomes harder longer it continues, & the costs of lockdowns & of the COVID-19 response can tip over to be larger than the harm of COVID-19 itself. Clearly true in poor countries where lockdowns can be catastrophic.
Then awful debates occur about COVID v. non-COVID harm & lockdown v. nothing, such as in the U.S. and inadvertently, it becomes 'let the virus go.'
Take-away: there's a short window of time for countries to form a game-plan --> those which can, should push for elimination.
Partial explanation for easing of lockdown, instead of using summer to 'crunch the curve' is lobbying from business leaders/economists to open up fast. Politicians under enormous pressure. Public needs to support the elimination agenda & make their voices heard by politicians.
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