1/ For many weeks now, @katelamble has been reporting on @BBCMoreOrLess about the government's misleading insistence on counting test kits posted out as though the tests had been completed and analysed. The latest news...
2/ ...is that I just tried to complete one of these tests as part of the @ONS sampling of the general population. (Bravo, @ONS.) I always wondered how many of these tests were successfully completed. My estimate has plunged sharply...
3/ ...It is possible (nay, probable) that I am particularly inept, but I just think a lot of people will struggle with the sheer multi-layered Ikea-self-assembly complexity of it all. I hope not...
4/ ...and maybe not everyone will, like me, find themselves having to rip open the sealed envelope to re-label the sample, or fishing around in the rubbish bin for a serial number. (Yes, I did read all the booklets. But there's a lot of detail.)...
5/ ...the whole experience drove home that it is not easy for a total amateur, like me, to conduct a medical procedure which is also a statistical procedure in the comfort of one's own kitchen. There is no way all these mailed out tests have been completed...
6/ ...but then, as the UK Statistics Authority itself admonished the government, "The aim seems to be to show the largest possible number of tests, even at the expense of understanding."
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