Ok, it’s time for something controversial that shouldn’t need to be said. Stop and Search isn’t racist! It’s a tool the police have at their disposal that when used correctly, performed professionally can save lives. Now, here in the U.K. it’s the biggest complaint. (I see).

I’m proud of that! Because over in America they’re complaining about BAME people being targeted and killed! That’s a huge difference to being stopped and your day inconvenienced if you’re innocent.

Here’s one stat that everyone forgets when trying to look at the stop and search statistical information, firstly, they look at London, they look at the high percentage of searches say 40% then they say BAME people make up x percentage of the nation.

What they don’t care to look at is the following, in 2011 59% of those living in London identitied as white “x”. The BAME community made up 41% in London. So if the BAME stop and search figure is 40% in London, then it’s perfectly acceptable! Not alarming as some make out.

The fact they make the figures seem incredibly out of proportion (when they aren’t that far of equal) and that the met have to then defend themselves (under a Labour Mayor if you still want to judge) by stating the obvious, “crime isn’t proportionate”.

Why isn’t there newspaper headlines stating “men over 6 times more likely to be searched than women” - why? Because “crime isn’t equal”. Also can you imagine the outrage by women “men are evil of course they need searching”. Seriously though, our judicial system is sexist...

...it discriminates against fathers, it gives women more lenient sentences, I could go on and on. Why isn’t that front page news? Agenda, what could be gained from that.

I support stop and search. I support our police. If it saves 1 life, then it works. I want to see it used more, on everyone! Just accept the inconvenience of being searched if you’re innocent and prepare a lawyer if not.

Now, let’s see the constructive criticism/arguments?

To add, I’m not saying there isn’t racism. I’m not saying there are not racist police, but while knife crime is through the roof, while kids (predominantly black) are being killed. Why not accept the inconvenience to save lives! If Black lives matter, then take it to save them?
*Caveat upfront. I’m not going to waste time with anyone that tries to call me a racist - I’m just going to mute and move on, also if you don’t know what BLM want. Read their website prior to replying*
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