Quick guide to Marxism for Trump fans trying to figure out what the heck is going on with the insane left. I'm going to skate over this in a way that will drive any supposed Marxist insane, but that's half the fun.

So WTF is Marxism?
First, socialism was around before Marxism. The notion of the state owning everything, or just kill the rich, or steal from the rich and give to the poor has a long history which frankly doesn't interest me or probably any MAGA. But obviously has some appeal (see Robin Hood).
Capitalism has also been around a long time and it's merits debated. Best argument for it is that nothing else works. That's basically been proven over and over.

So what did Marx add to the debate? Why do almost all socialists now talk about Marxism? How did he win?
There are a bunch of interesting conspiracy theories and the one I am fond of, and pretty much believe, is that Marx developed his theories primarily to destroy socialism. That is, he was secretly working for the other side.

Who was he working for?
Well, lots of theories and if you're curious you can chase that rabbit hole. Secret cabal? Ancient society? Whatever. He WAS born to a rich family and married into an even richer family, and much of that history has been memory holed and supposedly he died poor, put I doubt it.
Seems likely he was supported by industrialists who were exploiting workers and concerned about growing worker movements. These rich industrialists also hated the rich historical aristocracies that controlled most of the west, and fought their influence.
So what better than if Marx could sabotage workers while also targeting historical aristocracies (see Russia) to promote the interests of rich industrialists?

Doesn't really matter if this was the plan, what interests me most is how Marxist ideas seem perfect for that.
Most of Marxist writings are pure nonsense, but there is one key thing he added to socialist ideas. That is, that the "bourgeois," basically the middle class, were the enemy of the workers (the poor).

So he divided the two lower classes against each other. (Sound familiar MAGA?)
He argued that for revolution, the bourgeois needed to defeat the rich, and then the workers would kill the bourgeois and utopia would follow.

Sinister. But why would the bourgeois class fight a revolution only to be wiped out by worker class?
Well, MAGA, why are crazy liberals fighting to supposedly help oppressed ppl, who usually hate them? Welcome to Marxism!

I doubt Marx actually thought anyone would follow this insanity so it would seem his goal was just to confuse everyone from taking on the industial class.
So it might be he was just trying to poison the whole movement (particularly by arguing against religion, which both the bourgeois and workers were more inclined to).

Regardless, it seems the 19th Century MSM was pretty good at selling this double speak (see Russia).
By now, it should be pretty obvious this class war, where the rich corporate class (see DNC) pits the middle class against its own interests, supposedly for the benefits of the working class, who are told to hate the middle class. Meanwhile the corporate class gets richer.
This basically explains the spoiled middle class SJW's, thinking they are making the world a better place by speaking for the poor (who they look down upon) while also wishing for their own destruction.

Deliberately planned or not, the corporate class are the only ones who win.
So how does Trump fit in?

For decades, the RNC pretended to be representing for the middle class, while the DNC pretended to be working for the working class while the corporate class financed them both and pretended they were the only choices.
What was different about Trump, while not condemning the rich, he focused on arguing the middle class and the working class had shared interests. Which is completely true. They both want law and order, they both want America first, and they both want a brighter future.
The interests of small businesses and the interests of workers are the same. They are not inherently enemies, they are inherently allies against global interest and bigger is better corporations.
This is why you see Trump praising everyone from truckers and construction workers to home schooling moms to enterprising business men. Rather than pitting classes against each other, emphasizing what separates them, he focuses on their shared interests.
That's why the corporate class, and their useful idiots the Marxists (financed by rich corporate elite) hate Trump.

So it's not just about capitalism (the only thing that works) is about Trump bringing the middle class and the working class back together. #maga
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