You don't KNOW hate.
But you WILL, if you stay on this path.
We were reared in hate, taught to hate, lived hate in every little thing in life.
It didn't make our beautiful province of Ulster a pleasant place.
If I described my childhood to you, it would curl your hair ffs.
We've a generation killing themselves because of the trauma of hate. Check our suicide rate.
Hate didn't stop, when the killing stopped.
Our "elected" use hate, to seek political popularity. Dividing us.
Stop it ALL, or stop pretending you care.
It *will* bite you eventually.
I'm 50yo.
I hate nothing/nobody.
Yet I have to control every last thought.
Can't do it asleep, so I don't sleep much.
Can't have a partner, my sleep demons scare the crap out of them. A side effect of surviving hate.
Hate is the single worst thing you can hand your kids.
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