I wonder if those tearing down the statues, rioting, burning, and looting know that once Hitler took power he killed off all his brownshirts first?
I wonder if those tearing down the statues, burning, looting, and rioting know that once the mullahs in Iran secured power they killed off all the marxists first?
I wonder if those tearing down the statues, burning, looting and rioting know that Mao used the army to crush his red guards first after the cultural revolution?
I wonder if those tearing down statues, burning, looting and rioting know that once Lenin came to power he "purged" more than 220,000 useful idiots from his own side, first? Calling them undesirables?
I wonder if those calling for revolution, tearing down statues, rioting, looting and burning from the universities know that POL POT killed all the intellectuals first once he came to power?
I wonder if those tearing down the statues, burning, rioting and looting know that Jim Jones killed every one of his Marxist believers by having them drink poison when his socialist utopia failed?
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