Most music genres need to rethink their tropes when it comes to evoking a classic feeling. Someone wants to make a classic house track, it’s always the same M1 piano chords. Or the same rave stabs. You think classic hip hop it’s automatically a breakbeat and vinyl crackle...
How many times am i gonna hear a goddamn 303 and have it be presented as a “you can’t diss this it’s so real” type of track. We’re like stuck on an early-90s version of what defines these classic tropes and it’s just getting boring tbh. Esp when there’s no spark.
I’m obviously listening to promos tonight lol. Pardon the rant. I just think there’s gotta be other ways to evoke a classic feeling in a way that isn’t soooo on the nose. We gotta look for the spark, not the “sound pack” version of it.
Maximalism is out (in all genres) so a lot of people are falling back on the ollll classics, and it’s fine, I love doing that too. But we should remember the imagination and the creativity of those eras. Then it’s fun to work within boundaries, sure.
It’s weird, I even think our definition of “futuristic” music is dated. Last year Laurent Garner wrote this GREAT essay basically saying that techno isn’t the music of the future anymore. Worth a read.
So, IN CONCLUSION.. the music world should rethink how we define CLASSIC as well as how we define FUTURE. (Hey one thing’s for sure, it ain’t future bass.) Something to think about!!!!!
A lot of this boils down to form and content. A lot of ppl are stuck on form. Same with artwork, if I see another digital cover that has fake vinyl shrinkwrap or fake jewel case I will throw a TV at you crazy. You can evoke those same emotions w/o using a cookie-cutter approach.
Update: I just listened to a Radio Slave promo and holy fuck.... ALL IS WELL IN THE WORLD.
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