Care to find out just how BLM is tied to Occupy Wall Street, rich oil barons, Walnut Sauce Tom Steyer, the Clintons, Obama, the fucking Sandanistas and just about every other Fund and NGO on the planet?
Anyone heard of "Thousand currents" before? Susan Rosenberg
Thousand Currents address
The company used to be named IDEX and was led by Paul Strasburg
Funded by WK Kellogg Foundation.
BLM Co-Founder linked to the Weather Underground
Thousand currents made some big $$ in 2019 through their "fiscal sponsorship of the Black Lives Matter Global Network"
BLM is a scam.
Thousand currents is tied to the CCP
Ford Foundation is Thousand Currents largest donor.  took down its Board of Directors page today.
It's a veritable rogue's gallery of unhinged leftists. For instance, look up what Fahad has been writing on Medium about "incel culture"
Susan Rosenberg was represented by Gutman who was a child lover.
Milton Chen on Thousand Currents BoD & tief to Europe NGO, Sesame Street & kids (suspicious)
Another article on Susan Focuses more on what happened when she got out and got a teaching job.
The Thousand Currents was given a grant by TheWest Foundation, also.
Btw, BlackLivesMatter Global Network isn't a nonprofit, it's a registered corporation in Delaware.
This is different from the Black Lives Matter Foundation, which is a non-profit.
IDEX was reformed as a NFP so that they could become direct fiscal sponsors to BLM.
Good thread on BLM
Demarest de Rivera oversees the financial, human resource and organizational effectiveness functions at Thousand Currents
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