I have spent this quarantine alone. I wear a mask every time I go out. I wash my groceries. Wipe down door knobs. Wash my hands incessantly. Grocery shop once a month. I’m immunocompromised & grew up a sick kid so believe me when I say I’ve taken every precaution. I have covid.
Being immunocompromised means that this could affect me worse than most. It means I made arrangements for my dog just in case. It means I’ve been doing breathing exercises for months preparing. It shouldn’t mean that u care more about your lips being seen than me staying alive.
Everyday I walk by people with no masks. I stopped telling people to wear masks because they would tell me to fuck off for asking them to care about someone other than themselves. People walk right towards me. Runners without masks practically bump into me as they go by.
Are you not wearing a mask bc you feel healthy? You could be asymptotic and unknowingly spreading it. You think you won't catch it? Is your body stronger than the millions of people around the world who have caught it. You could still get your loved ones sick. Wear a mask.
And I’m doing okay. I spend my days laying down with a dog that won’t leave my side. I’ll be fine. In a few weeks life will go back to 2020’s version of normal. And I'll have a lot of dishes to clean.

I’m lucky. You might not be. Wear a mask.
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