The economy is in shambles. Black people are murdered in the streets. Police kill Americans and walk free. More and more people in America slip into poverty every day. Thousands die on ventilators from Covid-19. The question is where can we go from here?
Many problems work in a complex machinery of weird interconnected shit. We want you to try and trace the issues back to their source. And come up with actionable solutions. Not policy. Hands on actual solutions. What are the root problems and how do we fix them?
1. Crime: it leads to over policing, it leads to millions locked in cages. People always ask “how do we stop crime?” But they don’t ask “why does crime happen”. This may sound over simplistic but it has to do with money, more so a term called material needs.
When people have to fight for basic things like water, food and shelter this creates many problems. Looking at crime statistics most crimes can be directly traced back to poverty. When you live in poverty, when you can’t get a good job, illegal activity might be the only option.
Growing up in a bad area, with no education, no job prospects, no way out, what other options could you have? You have to eat, you have to live, what do you do? In order to maintain a control on the sale of drugs in your area you would have to use violence.
Don’t get it twisted. All of capitalism uses violence. If you don’t pay rent, the state will use the threat of violence by the police to evict you. Drug dealers can’t sign non compete clauses. The violence of the system now is worse than any gang. Any drug trafficker.
All of capitalism involves violence. Every corporate merger, every corporate action involves violence and exploitation of workers and of the environment. The violence from corporations and capitalism is legitimized through the police.
2. Poverty. We live in the most prosperous nation in the world. And yet a large amount of people live in poverty. While 1 person controls more money than a small country, children go without food, elderly people wonder where their next meal will come from.
Look at the recent Wall Street bailouts. In 14 minutes that money vaporized. That could have paid for free college and free daycare for the entire nation. The US can solve homelessness, and in large poverty overnight. But they don’t.
Addressing poverty, food scarcity, lack of affordable housing and education will eliminate crime. How do we do this? Meet the material needs of everyone. Give food, water and shelter to every human being in the US.
Want virtually all crime to disappear? End the drug war. Invest in education in lower income communities. Instead of bailing out oil companies, invest into green energy and give the millions of people living in poverty the opportunity to work on building green infrastructure.
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