Few known Pakistani brands are freely available in India.
One of them is this fairness cream. Some shops stock it and you can order online too. This cream allegedly damages the skin because it uses topical steroids. There are very bad reviews online yet people are buying it.
On the other hand, Pakistan uses Indian goodwill to sell products overseas.
Here's Khaadi. Do you think it's an Indian brand?
No. There's an extra 'a' there.
It's owned by Shamoon Sultan, a Pakistani textile baron.
Many Indians abroad think it's Indian Khadi but actually it's not
Pakistani (and Bangladeshi) owned restaurants all over USA, UK etc. use "Indian cuisine" on their banners. They also use terms like Haveli, Ganges, Maharani etc. as part of their brand names.
Their staff will never reveal their identity as they want Indian tourists to visit them.
Fun fact: Some Chinese sounding brand names are actually Pakistani brands in reality.
Example: The fashion house called ChenOne.
It's actually a brand from Pakistan and not from Hong Kong or China.
Fooling customers by using their pre-conceived notions (like Indians provide better quality than Pakistanis or Bangladeshis) have become a bad trade practice.
It's time to develop an international fair practice to let people know what they are buying and who they are buying from.
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