CHAZ/CHOP, June 23rd, 3:50 a.m.

Woman screaming, "give me back my baby, give me my son". You can see a group carry the child to a car.

People calling for de-escalators.
Further videos discuss kidnapping.

(sorry for the quality)

Viewer discretion advised, language violence.
Someone in the crowd yells, "don't you give her no weapon"
And a little more chaos.
Someone is yelling "that is a weapon" Possibly mom??
I'm not sure of why some running away? I've watched this a lot.

Another person is clearly upset saying, "you never take a baby from a mom".
"She won't even remember this tomorrow, that's kidnapping".
He says, "Are you dumb enough to take this baby to the hospital?". Then discusses CPS and foster care.
Someone decries, "that is kidnapping in the 1st degree "
Watched this happen livestream & I've heard nothing reliable since.
Only one person on Facebook indicating the female was found and child handed over to police, however, I am not certain.
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