The widespread attacks in Syria suggest that the assessment that the Iranians are leaving Syria was wishful thinking.
An attack in the Sweida area indicates the expansion of Iranian entrenchment into the sensitive area of the Druze Mountains.
This region is included in the area where the Russians pledged not to allow access to Iran and Hezbollah.
The Iranians and their proxies will look for ways to respond and deter Israel. Having previously failed to respond to rocket fire, they recently attempted to respond with a cyber attack. We must be prepared for a whole spectrum of possible responses by the Shi’ite axis.
These events were occurring in the midst of a local currency crash in Iran, Syria, and Lebanon, painful US sanctions, and a severe economic crisis in the wake of the coronavirus. Public criticism against the authorities is awakening.
Frustration with the regimes’ failures is rising. The economic crises could cause the regimes to act with greater restrain, but it could also lead them to take more aggressive action in order to distract their citizens with an external conflict.
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