Wasn't it Cambridge student Choudhary Rahmat Ali, in 1933, who, coining the name Pakistan, also stated "the destiny of the whole of Islam" was at stake? The name itself - Land of the Pure- came from early 1930s, at the high point of fascist zeal in the supposed purity & glory of
unmixed races.
Cambridge University must've have a long running course and tenure for academics longing for a "Utopic" CHAZ across continents. Last heard, Cambridge has stood by its professor under freedom of expression.
It shouldn't take an Ivy League mind to understand that
the Left-Islamist alliance is using the secular, liberal, democratic laws and norms of free countries to create many new Pakistans globally.
Ah! Kamelshwar's Kitne Pakistan comes to mind...
A good thread for clarity https://twitter.com/myraemacdonald/status/1275876878138724352?s=19
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