[Thread] Hey friends, over the past few weeks I've been a little less visible in our state’s coronavirus response. That was deliberate. With daily criticism coming from other campaigns, I worried that my public involvement might hurt our team’s response in this critical time.
However, because of the recent increase in cases and hospitalizations, I feel that I need to be more vocal. Over the first few months of this awful virus, we worked closely together and sacrificed to buy time. 2/
This helped us increase testing, stand up a robust contact tracing operation and obtain critical supplies to protect our doctors and health care workers. Utah’s response was as good as any in the nation. 3/
We flattened the curve and never came close to overwhelming our healthcare system. We saved lives and worked to protect the most vulnerable. And through it all we managed the best economic response in the country. 4/
When economic activity increased, we knew that cases would rise. More important than the number of infections though, are hospitalizations and our ICU numbers. Unfortunately, over the past few weeks we have seen numbers that are growing at an alarming rate. 5/
If we don’t slow the rate of spread, over time we will overwhelm our healthcare system...and that will increase deaths AND have a devastating effect on our economy. We must do more. 6/
The good news is that there is a simple solution: Wearing a mask. That’s it. That’s the answer. EVERY recent study shows that masks work. It’s the closest thing we have to a silver bullet for reducing spread until we get treatments and vaccine. 7/ https://twitter.com/ScottGottliebMD/status/1270791094666747905?s=20
Surviving this pandemic requires patience, sacrifice and grace—3 things desperately lacking in our country today. But I truly believe that Utah is different. I believe we care about each other. I beg you to stop making masks a political issue. 9/
We talk often about freedom. But freedom, properly understood, requires responsibility. And the thing about wearing a mask is that it protects others more than ourselves. A selfless act. A small sacrifice that saves lives. There is nothing more American--or Utahn--than that. 10/
And look, I get it. It’s awkward. I’ve struggled. Sometimes I show up and I’m the only one with a mask and it feels a little embarrassing. And I’ve taken it off. I’m going to do better. 11/
I know the big debate is whether or not we mandate masks. (The governor said he is likely to approve Salt Lake's request). But it should never come to that. It’s the tiniest possible price to pay to slow this disease down and then get on to the other things we want to do. 12/
Many EMS vehicles have a serpent and staff logo, originating from Greek mythology and the story of Moses and the brass serpent. The people only had look up and live. It was almost too simple. I’ve never really seen a modern parallel. Maybe masks are our brass serpents. 13/
I love this state and I love her people. I believe in us! When faced with trials and challenges we have always done the right thing. We did it in March without a statewide mandated shutdown. And I know we can do it again now. Please join me. 14/
Wear a mask because you care about others more than yourself. Wear a mask because you care about the economy. Wear a mask because you love our state. Wear a mask for freedom. Wear a mask because our church leaders just told us to.👇👇👇 15/
I don’t care why, just WEAR A DAMN MASK. (Please). 16/
(Also, sorry for the farm word). [End]
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