Anyone feel like it’s mid March all over again? I was not sure how the pandemic would roll across the US in the summer. Recent events make it more clear- in many places, probably most, opening needs to be halted or reversed to avoid a near future surge of infection 1/n
It's inescapable that pandemic activity is increasing across the south of the US. It is a remarkably consistent signal given the variety of testing and reporting. I am also reluctant to tie it to ‘reopening’ but it has accelerated in recent weeks and in a widespread fashion 2/n
That said. What to do now? First reopening *has* to stop where it is now. ICU capacity is already being pushed in some places and given time it will be the same elsewhere. A pause is necessary. Stop surrendering territory to our mutual enemy, the virus 3/n
Going forward: Assuming you’re not grappling with a surge into healthcare we can talk about how to avoid one in future. First step is avoiding lots of community transmission. That means large outbreaks that run into at risk groups, and make them really sick or kill them 4/n
That means prioritizing. It’s more important to open schools than casinos, bluntly. Both for the education of kids and society at large.Better explained than I could 👇🏽 5/n
Face masks in some places may help, but we should remember that the goal is to slow an exponential right now. I have watched this happen too many times already. Don't wait for your government. Take your own action to save your community to whatever extent you can 6/n
Just please, accept that this is a disease that is gonna come to town. It may not make *you* sick, but it will make enough of your friends and neighbors sick that you should want to protect them. Each of us can help. Think about how that work for you 7/out
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