Forcing Dr. Slemp to resign fits a larger pattern of political leaders blaming pub health officials for things they don’t like in the COVID response. Harsh+unfair to Dr. Slemp personally, and on bigger level, strategically unwise for West VA given what she helped accomplish.2/x
Under Dr. Slemp's direction, West VA doing better than many places in country right now. The numbers w/ COVID in West VA needing hospitalization, ICU beds, vents has come down consistently since early May. Diagnostic test positivity in state is 1.4%, among lowest in country. 3/x
Dr. Slemp has the qualities of a public health officer that all states should be so lucky to have – very smart, committed to the state, a skilled communicator, many years of experience, well trained, wise. 4/x
State, local leaders who scapegoat, remove highly capable pub health officials on their teams in middle of pandemic are communicating to potential future pub health officials they'll be blamed for bad COVID news. Wrong way to lead in crisis, or to get best people for the job. 5/x
It's long and tough road ahead w/ COVID. States need best pub health talent in the country to help navigate through. Getting rid of Dr. Slemp, and in such a disrespectful way, was wrong. Focus on science. Follow right metrics. Support your pub health leaders. You need them. 6/end
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