Izuku's being dating his best friend for five months now, loved him for longer.
When Kacchan confessed to him one day while on cleaning duty, he couldn't believe it, but here they are.
Their love is young, the one where they go to the movies, and hold hands in the halls of UA, they pass notes around and give each other chocolates and message away the whole night.
They are young, only seventeen, about to graduate, and that's why Izuku is so nervous, that's why he's so afraid.
How does he explains this to Kacchan? To his boyfriend, his alpha...
Izuku's two months pregnant and scared as hell.
It's not that they didn't took the proper precautions, Kacchan bought condoms and they investigated before doing it. It was important, Kacchan got him his favorite flowers, it was special.
They haven't done it again, because they've been busy, and now.. apparently one was enough.
At this moment the only one who has told him is Tamaki, being an older omega and someone he feels he can count on.
The other omega accompanied him while he did the pregnancy test, hugged him when he tested positive.
Now Izuku is waiting in his room, the pregnancy test hidden on his nightstand. Katsuki will be there soon, ready to help him with math like every Thursday.
He can’t stop rubbing his hands; they feel cold, his stomach knotted, he needs to tell him, needs to tell Kacchan everything
Will Kacchan be angry? Or sad?
Could Kacchan stop loving him for this?
What if Kacchan tells him he doesn’t want to see him anymore, or the baby?
Izuku has thought about it a lot these days, and he wants the baby..
Everything will be more difficult, but despite the doubts, is clear to him, he wants to keep it.
It's Kacchan's baby afterall.
Izuku quickly pulls out his math book, opens it as he sits more comfortably on the bed.
Kacchan will be there at any time.
He might lose Kacchan soon.
He is so preoccupied in his mind, in practicing how he will confess everything, that when the door opens he jumps a little.
Katsuki enters his room, with all the confidence in the world, brings with him a takeout bag from their favorite place a small restaurant where they
normally have their dates.
““I hope you haven’t eaten yet, freckles ”
He places the bag on Izuku’s desk and goes to the bed to kiss his boyfriend’s forehead
“I missed you”
The omega feels like breaking down at the moment, but he holds back
“I.. I did too”
Katsuki seems to read him easily, sits next to him on the bed, takes his hand
“What’s wrong? Did something bad happen in your internship?”
Izuku shakes his head, “I’m tired. How did it go for you?”
“ I can’t stand the drama between Half and Half and his father anymore”
The omega chuckles quietly, and leans his head on the shoulder of his alpha, Katsuki places his lips against his green curls.
“Are you going to explain me what’s wrong with you? I know you Deku.”
“I’m ... I’m scared Kacchan” answers, his voice breaking.
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