1/ #QAnon #MAGA2020 #MAGA #KAG2020 #QAnon2019 #greatawakening #QAnon2020 @genflynn

1/ How the World is controlled & has been for thousands of years.

To understand this
2/ Thread fully we will have to examine & understand 1. The Heavens 2. The Memory of Water 3. Exactly what Consciousness is & 4. What Reincarnation IS compared with what people believe it is.
2/  #QAnon  #MAGA2020  #MAGA  #KAG2020  @GenFlynn  @RealDonaldTrump

Thousands of years ago
3/ our Elite Rulers were Priest Kings, Scholars, Astronomers, Mathematicians, Poets and so forth. These Elitists were fascinated by the Heavens, the Stars & movement of the Planets. Their
3/ intellectual observation of the Heavens led to the first Occult beliefs & the first
4/ Qabalistic Tree of Life. As new planets were discovered this Qabalistic Tree of Life grew from the then 6/7 Sephiroth to the 10 Sephiroth & 22 interlinking Paths it is now.

Our Elitists,
4/ being egotistical greedy power hungry rulers wanted to keep their Occult/Qabalistic
5/ secrets to themselves. So they created watered down versions of these beliefs to pass onto the people. These beliefs were the early forms of religion as we recognise them today.

As we
5/ know from history, Religion took off big time & this forced these Qabalistic/Occult
6/ beliefs underground for fear of death for heresy, witchcraft, being a Warlock, sorcery & so forth.

This was the beginning of the Mystery Schools, the symbology (we recognise today) in
6/ architecture, paintings, writings, handshakes & other symbolic forms.

Being driven
7/ underground really annoyed these Elitists & over time, years, decades, many centuries, they gradually infiltrated Religion, Politics, Finance, Governments, News Media, Hollywood, TV,
7/ Education, you name it: and they rose to positions of power & influence within all these
8/ areas.

Now we need to take a step back & understand a few of the points mentioned above before we continue.

1. The Heavens. From numerous Ancient Texts, the likes of The Apocalypse
8/ of Paul, The Apocalypse of Abraham & Night Journey from the Islamic Siras, we know there
9/ are 10 Heavens: 7 Mythos ruled by Yehovah/Yahweh, & 3 Logos/Illuminist/Occult/Qabalistic/Heavens ruled by Lucifer.

However, because our Ancestral Elites created BOTH sets of beliefs,
9/ they also created the Chief Archon who ruled over BOTH sets of Heavens - ABRAXAS, the
10/ Sexless God. Yahweh (Abrahamism) was deemed to be the Male God, Lucifer the Female Goddess & Abraxas the Sexless God of the Super Ego.

How were these Heavens created? This is due to the
10/ Memory of Water. Water stores & shares information/energy, a proven fact & one of
11/ the first things taught in the Mystery Schools. For example, our DNA emits Light (energy/information) & it is our Intracellular Fluid which stores & shares this information with our Cells on
11/ how to behave etc. Our Extracellular fluid continue to share this Light
12/ (energy/information) through the rest of the body & outside the body courtesy of water molecules in the air around us. This is perceived by some people who can see & feel energies as our Biophysical
12/ Field/Auric Field.

Now the Earth is replete with water, as is our Solar
13/ System, our Galaxy, every Galaxy & the Universe itself. Human BELIEF is energy/information as is human thought. So are Prayers, Invocations, Rituals, Ceremonies, Sacrifices & so forth.

So, for
13/ example, if a 100 people believe in a Pink Elephant God, pray to it, then it
14/ is created as a Thought Form, or Egregor as Qabalists call them.

Now imagine 10 million people believing this & praying to the Pink Elephant God? The thought form 'God' becomes more fluid & more
14/ 'solid' in the sense of visible form (for those who can see energies).
15/ Imagine what billions of people can create believing in the same thing?

This is EXACTLY how, over time the Heavens were created. The Logos first, Mythos second.

Now we need to look at Consciousness.
15/ Consciousness is quit simply energy/information expressing itself.
16/ WATER is the medium by which energy & information can come together & express themselves creating life as we know it.

There are 3 types of Consciousness 1. Conscious Consciousness, that awareness of self
16/ (think Mind) 2. Subconscious, (which is aware of itself) is that
17/ which controls all our zillions of biplogical, biochemical & biophysical processes taking place every day (Immune, Endocrine, Muscular etc) without our Mind (Conscious Consciousness) having any idea of what's
17/ going on, 3. Unconscious Consciousness, Consciousness that is
18/ not aware of itself at all.

Two more important things to understand is 1. Consciousness attracts LIKE FOR LIKE. It works the opposite of magnetism, 2. The Human Soul is Mind/Consciousness (Conscious (Mind),
18/ Subconscious & Unconscious Consciousness.

So, what happens
19/ when people buy into these beliefs these Ancestral Elites created for us? If we buy deeply into these beliefs, use their prayers, invocations etc, our Soul begins to take on the exact same Consciousness
19/ (energy/information) of where these beliefs came from. This is the
20/ Heavens, as I'll explain shortly, or Astral Heavens as I call them.

So putting it very simply, when we buy into the lie of these Qabalistic/Occult Elites we become their exact same Consciousness. So when
20/ our physical body dies, our Soul, being Consciousness is attracted
21/ to, and by, what it has become on and energy/information level. This is how the Chief Archon of these Astral Heavens & why the Archons were known as The Thievers of Souls in ancient times.

Now we have to
21/ come to Reincarnation. Reincarnation is POSSESSION, nothing more &
22/ nothing less. It is NOT NATURAL in any form. It is a LIE perpetrated by our Elites to cover up how they control humanity. So how do they do this through Reincarnation if it is not natural? These are what I
22/ refer to as Astral Born Again Reincarnated Possessing Souls.
23/ These programmed Souls gain access to what they've been programmed to see humans as, Empty Soulless Vessels, in numerous ways. The easiest way is through an Astral Born Again pregnant mother. The new Possessing
23/ Soul enters through the mother's Silver Cord connection to
24/ these Heavens. Then this 'new Possessing Soul' sits in the Womb (all this is resourced & referenced information from the mouths of Reincarnated Souls) & tries to make friends with the Soul of the developing Fetus.
24/ Sometimes they can achieve what they call a Full Meld
25/ (total control), or Partial Meld (partial control) while fetus is developing.

Often though this takes many years AFTER BIRTH. Here think Children's Imaginary Friends! Where they wait for an opportunity to take control.
25/ This can happen through parental neglect, abuse or
26/ other trauma.

Other possessions take place through Child Abuse, Elite Ritual Abuse & through programmes like MK Ultra, Monarch & so forth. Others literally sell their Soul to these entities in exchange for power, money,
26/ control & fame (think Celebrities)

To continue:
27/ Over thousand years as more and more Souls were captured, more Souls have been severely indoctrinated in these Heavens in Soul Groups. These Soul Groups MUST OBEY the Law of Silence, whereby no Soul can talk to any other
27/ Soul from any other Group. If they were to, they
28/ would know they've ended up in the wrong place. Why?

Each Soul Group (& there are thousands in each Group) is programmed to carry out specific tasks On Earth, often in direct conflict with other Soul Groups. These
28/ Reincarnated Possessing Souls are also taught to bring
29/ about new ideologies which connect people with these Astral Heavens, new Laws, new Minority Programmes, new Groups on Earth, like Soros Open Societies & much much more. They also use Opposite-Sex entities to possess
29/ humans giving rise to increase in sexual confusion, Gay
30/ & Transgender people, increase in their Rights & the push of both upon our young impressionable kids. This does not apply to all Gay people by any means.

Therefore, what we recognise today as Deep State, Illuminati,
30/ Luciferian, the Symbolism etc, is all to do with these
31/ Astral Born Again Reincarnated Possessing Souls. They have taken control of the higher echelons of power and control in all walks of life. Just look at Hollywood & its' sick Pedophilic symboligy. Which is why so many
31/ Elites are Gay or Transgender, but work hard to hide
32/ this, especially those who are Transgender.

And this good people IS exactly HOW the World is controlled & why certain the world appears upside down & people on the left just cannot accept facts or apply logic, reason or
32/ common sense. They are so deeply programmed the
33/ truth, facts, logic etc just cannot penetrate this deep programming.

Anybody who come across people caught up in Cults will understand why this is. I will share images pertaining to this thread shortly. I need a rest now as
33/ it's been difficult typing this all up on a
34/ phone. I will correct mistakes & add more when I find any or any gaps in the information. One last thing to leave you with about what these Astral Born Agains have been programmed to believe:

1. They exist outside of Space &
34/ Time
2. They control their Human Vessels
35/ remotely.
3. They believe Earth is "the Land of the Dead"
5. Humans are "Lumps of empty soulless flesh" that without their "occupation" would remain "primitive"
6. They HATE life & want to kill
35/ everything so it's like them.
7. They are
36/ TERRIFIED of all Newborns, hence the push for Abortion.

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