#goldschmidt2020 DEI panel part 2: What is the role of junior scientists in changing the climate of #geoscience departments? What's been the role of having mentors?
#RachelBernard (Brown University) too much of this work has fallen to early-career folx whose positions are most vulnerable. Much of the energy is with early career folks, but senior scientists need to be amplifying their voices DEI work doesn't always benefit pre-tenure.
#RachelBernard - mentoring is crucial & is important in validating the experiences of early career POC women
@CaballeroGill Mentors need to come from all around us - peer mentors (who are female) in addition to senior mentors (often female).
In the panel, I failed to mention the following questions I ask myself in determining whether to engage in an issue: WHY ME? WHY NOW? I have found DEI work to be exhausting & one that must be carried out by everyone.
I have strategized with my white colleagues on how to tackle issues with my department so I’m not the only one carrying water on these issues. And I have purposefully NOT volunteered for DEI committees when I could serve on hiring committees instead
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