A lil thread about conservative relatives and otherwise on facebook: hesitate to post this because I don’t want to seem like a know it all or like I’m doing everything right (neither of those things are true), and I also don’t want to imply that what people are already doing…
…isn’t good, but I have been thinking about this and I think it’s worth being said! Lately, I have been posting longer, well researched and detailed explanations in my own words of what is going on.
Black Lives Matter movement related, trump related etc. and people have been... responding well??? Not everyone but even some trump loving, “all lives matter”, “rioting is wrong”, thin blue line relatives and acquaintances I know.
I used to share things without thinking about them much and most of the time they were memes or posts using extremely emotionally charged and loaded language that were more or less attacking those people. Truly I get it.
Those are funny sometimes and it’s how we really feel more often than not. But if our goal is to help people that are not like us understand things the way we see them, using the same tactics for them is going to get us nowhere.
I have gotten multiple DMs and comments saying that they now understand better and even support whatever it is I am posting about.
For some reason, boomers like longer posts with kind words (even if that’s not what we really want to post) over memes with references calling them fascists.
Again, I think our collective and larger goal by sharing things on Facebook, which is where they all hang out, is helping them expand their understanding and world views and be more open minded.
I posted this explaining defunding the police and a friend of mine shared it in her family group chat and her response is here as well. Minds and hearts and absolutely being changed. PLEASE don’t stop talking and sharing!!!!
But just consider saving the memes for twitter maybe because they are funny af honestly
Here’s my post and my friends response!’
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