It's been a hot minute since @Summit1g was a total ding dong on Twitter, but this post is downright DANGEROUS. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that someone could read those horrible, heartbreaking REAL stories and post something SO callous and disgusting.
Here's what upsets me most: there is an alarming amount of likes on the post. This man essentially shot up a flare to signal a safe space for misogynists and predators. He made it known that behavior/beliefs like that are not only WELCOME, but REPRESENTED within his community.
We should be using our platforms to lift each other up, to believe survivors, to protect our LGBTQIA+ siblings, to protect black and brown bodies from violence at the hands of police. Instead Summit chose to post something so evil to NEARLY 1 MILLION PEOPLE. That is TERRIFYING.
He chose to stay silent on BLM. He chose to stay silent on Pride Month. Fine. Whatever. He could have easily stayed silent on this. Instead he chose to speak up now to let survivors of all kinds know: I am not on your side. I do not believe you. You are not valid to me.

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