Another day, another cash splash 'package', another tranche of debt that my great grandchildren will never pay off.

As deserving as the entertainment sector is, where is the economic reform we were promised? And no, rejigged talkfests like the 'natl cabinet' don't count.
1.1 million jobs have been wiped out in the last two months, and that is in all likelihood the tip of this grotesque iceberg, given how many job losses have effectively been masked by JobKeeper, not to mention underemp and the woefully misleading definition of 'unemployment'.
Where is the plan to bring these jobs back? Yeah, Scomo talks a good game - And that's not entirely a criticism. Compared to some of the bozos that the Liberal Party has catapulted into public life over the years, at least the PM knows what a Coalition PM should aspire to.
But that's where, for the most part, the difference ends. Frankly it is difficult to see how many, if any, announcements made by the feds over the past couple of months would be any different to what Prime Minister Shorten would have offered (although prob much worse).
It's hard to think of a better ex than the HomeBuilder announcement a few weeks back, a policy so monstrously idiotic, economically bankrupt and gob-smackingly wasteful that it achieved the rare feat of being slammed by almost every public policy commentator across the spectrum.
Now, dud spending packages by politicians of every variety are nothing new, but the difference is that HomeBuilder, for example, made a splash on Twitter and then basically disappeared from the news cycle, displaced by the next instalment of neo-Keynsian, Oprah Winfrey economics.
In other words, this is the 'new normal'. We've become used to it. It's priced into the stock of Australia's unimaginative, insular and increasingly deluded pol class. Death, taxes, and govts of every party and every level blowing unfathomable sums of cash on God-knows-what.
In defence of the Coalition, at least they are framing these spending sprees around the vague notion that they are temporary. Even I begrudgingly support the idea that if the state is going to wreck the livelihoods of millions of its own people, then it should offer compensation.
The Labor Party, on the other hand, have been reprehensible in the perverse entitlement with which they've approached these 'temporary' measures. The argy bargy about JobKeeper ending, for example...
... They honestly seem to be suggesting that that OVER HALF of Australia's workforce - as is the case right now - subsist on some kind of payment from government in perpetuity.
It's a monstrous, wicked mindset, the logical conclusion of the long march of the centre-left towards subsuming the bulk of the free Australian population into the organs of the state.
The problem that Scomo has is that he has been so keen on being 'statesmanlike' and 'unifying' that he is bordering on being complicit in it.

He's right to stick to his frankly self-evident assertion that JobKeeper must end, but what kind of country will we inherit when it does?
Why is Scomo not putting more pressure on the premiers to reopen their borders? Why is Scomo not calling Andrews out for his incompetence, double standards and pathological indifference to and even disdain for Victorians in the productive economy?
Why is Scomo silent about raving ideologues like Annaliese van Diemen, if for no other reason that van Diemen and her ilk are basically quasi-dictators in Andrews' Victoria, both in a figurative but also a legal and figurative sense?
Why is Scomo deferring to 'experts' who have gotten so much of this awful, sorry saga wrong, with consequences that are becoming a humanitarian crisis? Why is Scomo buddying up with premiers that are making life needlessly miserable for their own people?
To hell with being 'statesmanlike', to hell with 'unity'. This is war, and it's a war that brewing in this country and throughout the western world for some time. The outbreak of the coronavirus is just the metaphorical equivalent of Franz Ferdinand.
The takers are on the march - The small but extremely (and unaccountably) influential cadre of rent-seekers, busybodies, bullies, charlatans, empire builders and nihilists who have hijacked our public institutions are unfurling their tentacles...
... into our lives to such an extent that we are now living press conference to press conference, tuning in haplessly to find out whether the 'experts' deem it acceptable for us to open our businesses, see our families, to sit on a damned park bench.
The bottom line is that there's nobody fighting for us - not in our public institutions anyway - and certainly nobody who seems concerned in the slightest that we are sleepwalking into Lee Kuan Yew's notion of Australia as 'the poor white trash of Asia'.
Compensate people whose lives the state has destroyed by all means, but robbing the next generation to flog the dead horse that is the moribund Australian economy is not leadership. Paying the mortgage off with the credit card is not courageous. Spending money is not reform.
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