THREAD: #Lafayette Square #TheWhiteHouse #PennslyvaniaAvenue #WashingtonDC – honors #AmericanRevolution heroes #Lafayette, #Rochambeau, #VonSteuben & #Kosciuszko. Adulterer #Congressman Daniel Sickles #murdered adulterer Philip Barton Key (Francis Scott Key’s son) in 1859...
over Sickles’ adulteress wife Teresa, who he had married when she was 15/16. [Key died in the white home in the background. It's known as President McKinley's Little White House.]
Sickles was the first to be acquitted using the “temporary insanity” defense and stayed on as a Congressman. He later became a #USCivilWar #MedalOfHonor war hero at #Gettysburg.
In the center of the square is actually a statue of #AndrewJackson, hero of #1812 and later #USPresident and architect of the genocidal #TrailOfTears to drive the #Cherokees and others out of Eastern United States. #BLM #BlackLivesMatter
It’s also the site of the #WhiteHousePeaceVigil, the longest anti-nuclear weapon protest in the US (in the world?). Wiki says it’s also been “a racetrack, a graveyard, a zoo, a slave market, an encampment for soldiers during the War of 1812...political protests and celebrations.”
Key died in the white home in the background. It's known as President McKinley's Little White House. [Correction, I showed the wrong photo at the beginning of this thread. This is the correct Little White House.]

Who says #history is boring? #tourism #USA
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