A word on MAPs.

TW: pedophilia, CSA, grooming, cults/cultlike behaviour

(None of the above will be described in detail.)

This thread covers:

Should we even call MAPs by their chosen acronym?

And why are *kids* suddenly identifying as pedophiles?
TW: pedophilia

So, MAP stands for Minor Attracted Person. 🤢

Some MAPs will throw in a "non-offending" and make it NOMAP, but the problem with that is that predators lie, so there is no functional difference between MAP and NOMAP.
TW: pedophilia

What most people don't realise is that the MAP community differs from the wider category of simply "pedophiles" by using tactics that have been described as cultlike by their victims. We must name them to accurately warn of this.
TW: pedophilia, CSA

As an aside, "pedophile" is a contested term anyway. We know a CSA survivor who calls them "pedosadists" instead, to better reflect reality. Pedants will point out that pedophilia is a disorder and not all perpetrators of CSA "suffer from it."
TW: pedophilia

Personally, I think the whole thing is a mess and will only use these terms in the context of trigger warnings. If you comment on a survivor's story to be a pedant, we don't like you. But if you hate the term for other reasons, we certainly understand.
TW: pedophilia, manipulation

Now, the MAP community poses a particular danger for kids who are old enough to be tricked into thinking they are also pedophiles.

That's why you'll sometimes see "underage MAP" in a Twitter bio - they were manipulated into that belief.
TW: pedophilia, manipulation, intrusive thoughts

MAPs seek out vulnerable kids to recruit by making them think that, for example, their intrusive thoughts are proof they're "one of them" and will never find acceptance in mainstream society.
TW: pedophilia, CSA, manipulation

Kids who have already gone through CSA are especially vulnerable to these tactics. Some may not remember the abuse, but have nightmares about it and wake up aroused.

You can imagine how MAPs will twist that.
TW: CSA, pedophilia, manipulation

Survivors of CSA sometimes have actual sexual fantasies about situations resembling their abuse, too. Or they may mistake flashbacks for fantasies.

MAPs will exploit that to recruit them.
TW: pedophilia, manipulation, intrusive thoughts

In addition to CSA survivors, kids with OCD are also at risk. There's a whole subset of OCD that's all about the fear of being a pedophile, which may include vivid intrusive thoughts about it.

MAPs will exploit that.
TW: pedophilia, CSA, manipulation

Abuse victims are already extremely prone to shame and may think of themselves as "dirty" even before a MAP comes along to take advantage of that. It's not uncommon to think you "deserved" your abuse because you're "bad."

They'll exploit that.
TW: pedophilia, CSA, grooming

Once the victim believes they're a dirty pervert who will never be accepted by anyone but the MAP community, they may be coerced into a sexual relationship with one of their "fellow MAPs" who happens to be much older.
TW: pedophilia, manipulation

We heard this from people it happened to. The "underage MAPs" who are lucky enough to avoid that fate provide free publicity for the movement. They're also going to need a lot of therapy to undo all the conditioning.
TW: pedophilia

That's why we have to call the MAP community (/cult?) by its name. Why we have to warn minors away from it in particular, including minors who are afraid they might be pedophiles themselves.

MAPs are not your friends. NOMAPS are not safe.
TW: pedophilia, intrusive thoughts, CSA

Beyond that, we need to spread awareness of the various possible causes for "pedophilic" thoughts. Of OCD, of flashbacks that feel like fantasies, of how physical arousal doesn't mean you *want to do to someone* what you see in your mind.
TW: pedophilia, CSA

Kids also need to be taught that memory repression is a thing. No one wants to hear they may have trauma they don't know about, but once you're at the point where you wonder what's wrong with you, it may help to at least be aware of the possibility.
TW: pedophilia, CSA

When we found out this was going on, we were horrified beyond words. The last thing trauma survivors need is to be told they're as bad as their abusers.

All we can do to help is to spread awareness.
Your thoughts, dreams, fantasies - they don't determine whether you're a good person.

It's how you treat people in real life that makes all the difference.
TW: pedophilia

If you're a minor and you're having thoughts or feelings that you're afraid could mean you're a pedophile, please seek help elsewhere and stay far away from MAPs.

I promise there's another explanation. *They* won't help you find it.
Of course, traumatised/mentally ill adults are not immune to falling into the same trap. Protecting kids is just especially important because their brains are still developing.

I hope we didn't leave out anything important. We're hardly experts, but we had to say something.
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