this is Meghan in 2015 (before meeting harry) delivering a speech on women’s rights to world leaders and here’s a picture of her with former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. don’t worry sweetie, she’s familiar with this 😘
meghan, in 2014, speaking at the HeForShe campaign launch alongside high profile activist Emma Watson.
"We want our girls to grow up knowing their worth. When they have that sense of confidence, they excel in academics, in relationships, in extra curricular. Knowing their value dictates the choices they make."
— Meghan, in 2015, for the Dove Self-Esteem Project
meghan was a counsellor for one young world, joined by recognised leaders such as prime minister of canada justin trudeau, bill clinton, crown prince haakon and crown princess mette-marit of norway.
oyw summit in 2014 'bridging the gender gap' panel:
meghan and justin trudeau at the one young world summit 2016.
meghan, hosting the WICT signature luncheon in 2015.
"The Luncheon is the premier industry event where distinguished leaders come together in support of women in the cable industry."
meghan met president barack obama in 2015. (before meeting harry‼️)
in 2014, meghan went on a USO tour with with then-chairman of the joint chiefs of dtaff, army gen. martin e. dempsey. she visited five countries – spain, italy, turkey, afghanistan and england – and entertained thousands of service members and their families.
in 2016 , meghan travelled to rwanda as a world vision ambassador to see first-hand the challenges facing many communities when it comes to finding safe drinking water. since then, the children’s charity has been able to support more than 57,500 people with safe water to drink.
in 2017, meghan travelled as a WV ambassador to india. she wrote for Time about an issue that affects women in many countries. She explains the shame girls experience when they menstruate, how it hampers their chances of success because they are not able to attend school, for ex.
i could go on with this thread about meghan’s pre-royal activism but it would be too long. she can gives speeches because she knows what she’s talking about, she fought for gender equality her whole life, and spoke about racial injustice. I’m proud to call her my role model!
imagine michelle obama calling you an inspiration💅🏻💅🏻
"with fame comes opportunity, but it also includes responsibility – to advocate and share, to focus less on glass slippers and more on pushing through glass ceilings. and, if I'm lucky enough, to inspire."
— meghan, the duchess of sussex
now it’s meghan AND harry, they share the same values and they’ll make this world a better place wether you like it or not.

"whatever we have to tackle, we'll always be together as a team"
— prince harry
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