1. I have STUDIED the normies and I have come to the conclusion that they have been brainwashed with an equality cult

I have LOOKED at their brainwash and I have seen its basic structure
2. As Ive explained in other threads they believe that all humans are EQUAL

They don't know it they believe it

And they religiously hold on to their belief

Which is why if you show them that races are different they get ANGRY at you
3. They have been brainwashed their entire lives to see inequality as some sort of evil

And what's really cool is that they associate inequality with a concept called "oppression"

They believe that oppression is what generates inequality in the world
4. So when they see an instance of inequality they automatically associate it with oppression

Which is why if you ask a normie "Why is Africa a shithole?"
they instantly respond "because they were oppressed" even if they know nothing about history
5. The cool thing is that it kinda goes both ways

Not only does oppression generate inequality

Pointing out inequality is a form of oppression as well

So it's almost like inequality and oppression are equivalent concepts inside their retarded heads
6. For example, if you say:

"Look son. This here is a black man. We are white men but he is not white. He is black."

That is RACISM

That is a form of "oppression"

Why lol you didn't even do anything all you did was point out the obvious that everybody already sees and knows
7. Well because we are supposed to be pretending that all humans are EQUAL

We are supposed to be ignoring any inequalities (in the name of equality)

Pointing out some obvious inequality is to a brainwashed cult member like making it real
8. They are trying SO HARD to achieve "human equality" that if you say "hey wait but we are actually not equal" you are ruining their little holy quest

So in their little brainwashed heads even only recognizing some pre-existing inequality is oppression (creating inequality)
9. Unless of course

Unless you are separating people into groups so that you can shit on Whites and Whites only

This is the only time that they let you separate people into groups

When it's time to shit on White people
10. Why do they allow this?

Well because according to their little religion White people have all this "privilege" (inequality) that comes from oppressing browns

So shitting on White people is their way of psychologically settling the score a bit
11. I call this inversion magic cuz it sounds cool that way and it's in my threads im 2 lazy to find and link it

Basically they have been brainwashed so hard with stories about Whites oppressing browns that it is now morally acceptable (and mandatory) for them to shit on Whites
12. So the constant stories about whites oppressing others generate real life inverse oppression against whites (like some evil upside down spell)
13. Anyways just wanted to mention how "oppression" and "inequality" are equivalent religious concepts inside the heads of the RETARDS aka your friends and family
14. I find it very interesting that in the minds of the normaltards simply saying something obvious like:

"That is a black man"

Is offensive and "racist" (oppressive)

There's some psychological religious mechanism at work here and it's worth focusing on
15. Also the equality they worship and chase is very abstract

How do you measure this equality exactly

Is it financial equality?

What if a black man is rich and powerful? Can I then say "Hey soon look that's a black man." ?

No I can't either
16. Unless it's time to shit on Whitey the cult retards essentially want you to ignore the color of people's skin 24/7 and never even mention that there is such a thing as different races as if we're all actually identical grey robots or something
17. Needless to explain if they don't even know how to define this "human equality" concept that they worship how will they ever even know when they have finally achieved it

Easy, they don't ever know

They can never achieve it
18. Are they going to be stuck on this religious journey until EVERY SINGLE HUMAN is mixed to the point where everyone looks EXACTLY THE SAME and everyone has EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF EVERYTHING

Yes, because they are retarded and they don't know what they're doing
19. Joke they're not retarded they've just been unsuspectingly brainwashed by ***s who control every single fucking hollywood studio and tv channel and newspaper and magazine and and record label and advertising agency
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