Update: Due to racist threats and comments directed at Oregon's BIPOC communities in response to Lincoln County's exemption, community leaders of color asked teh county to remove the exemption, and they complied. https://twitter.com/ErinEARoss/status/1275852884761067521
To be very clear: Lincoln County said the mask mandate would not be enforced on an individual level. There would be no citations and no arrests, and it included a strong condemnation of harassing people for not wearing masks.

So... what were those four groups exempted from?
In summary, the directive was a request asking everyone to wear masks, and to not harass people for wearing masks.

And a cropped screenshot led to national outrage at "anti-white racism".
That supposed anti-white racism? It was just a request to ESPECIALLY not harass certain groups, because they may have valid reasons for not wear masks.

Those reasons included: disabilities that make mask wearing difficult, health conditions that make it a threat, age, and racism
This is 100% the product of irresponsible reporting on the part of national news. It took me 2 minutes on Lincoln County's website to find the full text of their mask mandate (which was required by the governor, not LC.) There is no excuse for spreading misinformation in 2020.
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