Read this… it’s fucking important

If you pick up what I’m throwing down - start demanding clarification on behalf of our service-people - and for the UFO topic in general.

@g_knapp + @joerogan + @DaveSFoley

I have a question and request for my friends out there. Let’s talk about this issue - and make some noise. The question is… HAVE new guidelines for reporting UFOs up the chain of command ACTUALLY been newly created, clarified and communicated to our service-people on deployment?
This was reported by Politico OVER A YEAR AGO that, “The Navy is updating and formalizing the process by which reports of any such suspected incursions can be made to the cognizant authorities.” The Navy spokesperson is quoted as saying...
“The Navy is updating and formalizing the process by which reports of any such suspected incursions can be made to the cognizant authorities. A new message to the fleet that will detail the steps for reporting is in draft.”
And just YESTERDAY Politico reported that... “[The Pentagon] had recently issued new guidelines to sailors on how to report such incidents.”
Here’s the deal... let’s talk about yesterday’s news for a sec. YES, it’s is a big win with the mass media picking up the fact that The Senate Intelligence Committee has voted to require U.S. intelligence agencies to compile a detailed public analysis of all data collected on...
"Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon," including intrusions recorded by Navy pilots in recent years. It’s a move in the right direction.
Our Senate is pushing for our intelligence agencies to collate and produce a report - unclassified and public hopefully - to reveal what data our government has been compiling regarding the UFO presence on Earth. And YOU did this.
That’s right… YOU. This came to fruition because of public interest and action. This was not caused or initiated by any singular journalist. It was initiated because of YOU.
And YES… there is SO MUCH to comment on about the Senate Intelligence Committee - and the orchestrated moves being made to peel back the layers of secrecy regarding UFOs and our military engaging them.
Including something I would like to share with everybody - about where that location might be - specifically and historically. But we will unpack all of that and see where we might be going… BUT FIRST… we have to talk about something else.
I’ve recently been urged by multiple friends working within our military - many who are pilots on active deployment for the Navy - to highlight ONE SPECIFIC issue to the public. I would like for us to contemplate this point as things progress.
After all… we want ACTUAL and FUNCTIONAL progress and transparency when it comes to the topic of UFOs… right? Empty promises and sleight of hand will not be acceptable. So, I will ask my question again...
HAVE new guidelines for active duty military pilots to report UFOs up the chain of command been newly created, clarified and communicated to our service-people on deployment?
Sadly, from my personal and direct communications with active military pilots - the answer is definitively NO. Not by any stretch of the imagination - NO - they have not.
In-fact, I have been informed on multiple occasions that nothing has been practically communicated and the stigma associated with reporting UFO encounters remains.
There is ALSO a general sense of avoidance in reporting or generating documentation surrounding reporting of UFOs - unless the a encounter causes a near-miss or contains an implied safety threat.
We can do better than this. But we need YOU to hold our military bureaucracy accountable for its inaction (despite the Navy’s assurances and empty promises).
Here is a quote of interest from an active duty Navy helicopter pilot - currently serving as department head - at a Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron…
“The Navy reporting protocols have not implemented any new guidelines that I am aware of - & I have asked numerous times. If such guidelines have been released - it has not been articulated in any practical way. It maybe that the Navy is just trying to save face with the public"
So why is all of this important? Why are we being told publicly - in statements, directly from the Navy - that new UFO reporting guidelines have been developed and implemented? It’s just it’s just NOT the case. And WHY is this not the case?
Like the promise and hope for greater transparency by our government regarding the UFO presence worldwide - we should be demanding clarification and accountability for what we are being told and promised. By not only our Navy - but by all branches or our Defense Department.
We all must remember that words are weapons - and questions can be ATOMIC BOMBS to initiate reform - but DO NOT SETTLE for the BS. I urge you to FORCE compliance upon the agencies that are supposed be working for you. Use social media - use video, audio, letters and phone calls.
Weaponize your curiosity and desire by becoming an active participant and not just a passive observer. We all have a role to play - so play yours. Let’s all use the hashtag #UFOtransparency
If there's an intent is to strip the UFO reporting process from its stigma, then its time to get specific - & for the Navy (and the Department of Defence), to show us precisely how this process has been implemented AND articulated - to those it immediately is supposed to affect.
If you are understanding what I’m throwing down - I’m suggesting that we pick this up - and start asking and demanding for clarification on behalf of our service-people - and for the UFO topic in general.

Yoru pal,

Jeremy (4Name) Corbell

You can follow @JeremyCorbell.
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