in high school I was physically assaulted by an ex-boyfriend I was frightened of at a party. he pinned me against a wall, then shoved me to the ground and got on top of me, with one hand on my arm and the other on my neck, and demanded to know why I wouldn’t “just be with him” 1/
I was in this position because our friends at the party, MY friends, lured me into an empty room of the house where he was waiting, said “he just wants to talk, don’t worry,” shut the door, and left me there alone. 2/
guys, we need more from you than not actively hurting us or being predatory. we need you to protect us from your friends when THEY are the ones harming people. we need you to put the safety of others above your loyalty to friends who don’t deserve it. 3/
we need you to not accept behaviour that you know is wrong. we need you to intervene when your friends prey on people who are vulnerable. we need you to stop being complacent. because so, so often, you are the only one in a position to do anything about it. 4/
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