- minor accident that demonstrated secondary containment works well

- the USSR building a graphite pile that everyone else knew was unsafe and then doing real-life Wile E. Coyote science on it

- a massive earthquake and tsunami killed 15,000 and meltdowns killed one

try again https://twitter.com/rgibson103/status/1275935132990480384
like I dunno how many of my followers watched Chernobyl but @clmazin and the rest of the creative team wrote in a scene where Legasov explains at length why the RBMK was both unique to the USSR and also terrible (while PWR designs are inherently safe in many ways) for a reason
it's like demanding that we scrap every solar farm on the planet because sometimes someone zaps themselves on a busbar, or that wind turbines sometimes catch fire

and as horrific as Chernobyl was? it's a tiny fraction of the damage fossil fuels do *every single day* globally
This is the San Juanico Disaster. It killed ~600 people and burned thousands more. Have you ever heard of it?

The reason you haven't is that disasters like it are so common that they barely make the news.

That's the cost of fossil fuels, every single day.
and let me tell you as somebody who has seen what third-degree burns look like up close and personal? it's not a million miles away from the (mostly accurate) portrayal of fatal radiation sickness in Chernobyl, and the death can be just as lingering and unpleasant
A gas line exploding or kerosene turning someone into a human torch or a refinery accident may not be as big or as dramatic (or as amenable to television) as Soviet incompetence making Chernobyl-4 going boom, but it's a hell of a lot more common and over time it all adds up.
"The truth doesn't care about our needs or wants. The truth doesn't care about our governments, our ideologies, our religions. It will lie in wait for all time."

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