I’ve heard so many people talk about their rights being infringed upon due to being asked to wear a mask. Your “so called” infringements on your rights by being asked to do this and disregarding it has caused Utah to have a 1/
spike in cases. It has created a situation where I and many others like myself can’t go into public places or even hang out with all of our family members.
You think this is about freedom, when in reality it is only about 2/
saving lives, thinking about others and looking outside of yourself. The frustration and sadness I have is more than I think I’ve ever had to deal with. Putting trust in others to help protect my health and seeing them 3/
time and time again disregard that is hurtful, especially when I see it with my own family and friends.
You will never understand the worry and anxiety I feel everyday or the worry that my children and spouse feel every time they 4/
leave the house. You won’t feel the anxiety that comes when you’re in a parking lot waiting while your husband is getting essentials for your family and seeing 99% of the population not doing the simplest of things, 5/
wearing a mask. I guess I’ll never understand why this is such a hard thing to do. You all get to “do you” and those with chronic illness and the most vulnerable get punished for it. Please be better. 6/
Think outside of yourself and do your best to help protect the most vulnerable. #maskuputah #maskup😷 #dobetter #cysticfibrosis #cflife #cfliving
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