My former high school, Sumner Academy has racist teacher who gave a dissertation about a noose. He has called many of us over sensitive and unhealthy about racism. He also has DM students in a flirty way that are extremely inappropriate.

Your school district also has hired a teacher who committed a HATE CRIME before. He threw cotton all over a Black Culture Center during Black History Month and told Black students to pick it up
You allowed a PEDOS, to work in our school. Who invited students to his house. He was reported for a decade and you DID NOTHING. He sent nudes to MINORS. He also helped bully a student and the whole thing was covered up!!
Remember when the principal threatened the Black football players with canceling homecoming if they said anything to the white guy who refused to say who wrote a racial slur on balloons.
Are you going to address this
Our principal nickname made her nickname “jen-o-cide” as her username after the vegas shooting and administration just slipped it under the rug and did nothing about it. DISGUSTING
Remember when you allowed this teacher to say SLURS as long as in the books. She wasn't even reading a book...
You allowed a teacher to belittled every race. She talked about "Jews being greedy" Saying knickers every day for no reason. Talking about "Blacks." Saying she couldn't be racist because she had a Puerto Rico Husband. She made MANY students cried.
You swept MULTIPLE sexual harassments under the rug and even suspended students if they spoke about it.
This school gave multiple people issues such as depression and anxiety from the stress of just being there. You only cared about our grades and our ranking in state. 1# in Kansas... I had seen so many people crying in that building. So many people who are having breakdown.
Sumner Academy is a historically black school. The only black school in Kansas. I am the fourth generation of my family to go there. I am extremely disappointed, my whole family is disappointed.
Sumner Phone # 913.627.7205
Principal: Rick Malone 
Twitter: @MaloneRicky
KCKPS: 913.627.2455
Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools
What are you all going to do about this
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