Florida and the U.S. both set new records for #COVID cases today. Higher than March, higher than April. The highest it’s been. Yet I have a *select* few followers from South Florida who call me a fear-mongerer for sharing these facts. Let’s review their arguments:

Hospitalizations are down, they insist

(source: @MiamiDadeCounty)

Testing more, they say…

(Testing in orange. Source: @MiamiDadeCounty)

Deaths are down, they remind me…

(source: @MiamiDadeCounty)

Meanwhile, the percentage of cases testing positive is skyrocketing.

I really don’t want America’s economy to suffer because it means people suffer too, especially those of lesser means who have been so terribly oppressed over decades. Nobody wants that. But have we painted ourselves into a corner?


(more to come… give me a few minutes)
Here in Florida the governor says there’s no going back. Yet Dr. Anthony Fauci says deaths lag case numbers. And while experts know a lot more of how to treat #COVID patients today, leading to a lower fatality rate, what about the potential permanent damage the virus inflicts? 7/
Not to mention the criminal cost of #healthcare in this country that can bankrupt even those with considerable net worth, because we are the one developed nation without healthcare for its citizens?

The worst part is that this is happening because scientists were ignored. They were ignored and suppressed in #China, ignored and suppressed in the United States, and later ignored and suppressed in #Brazil. 3 countries that sadly have a lot in common today, not just COVID

It didn’t take a genius (or @BillGates) to predict a global pandemic. The U.S. government was unprepared (legacy issue), and then made it worse. A helluva lot worse. And its citizens got fatigued of being socially distanced. And its “leaders" agreed with them.

So off came the masks. In the case of the president, it never came on. And people on the right protested about them. And people on the left protested without them. And people congregated in bars. And threw caution to the wind. And here we are.

And if you’re 17 or 22 or 38, yeah, you stand a great chance of not being pummeled by #COVID. But I remind you and all that no one is invincible and no one is immortal. And the worst kind of human being is a selfish one that doesn’t care what happens to others.

To summarize: #Science was suppressed. Experts were ignored or sidelined. And the #coronavirus spread like wildfire in the two countries that are best at doing so today: the U.S. under Trump and Brazil under Bolsonaro. I’m not a fear-mongerer. I’m just fed up.

So grow TF up, and put on your
g-ddammed mask! 😷

14/14 fin
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