Revealed: my second income steam

Yesterday I said I made $10,900 in the last 7 days

Let me explain how I worked my way up to this point

Now that I’ve been a full-time business owner for 11 months
I learned copywriting and media buying in 2017-2018

Worked with my first client in 2018

In 2019 I became confident enough to reach out

To people I really admired...

And knew I could help
So while I won't reveal *who* I'm working with

I'll say it's a major influencer you've probably heard of

This person creates great content

But their copy was maybe a B when I reached out
I rewrote a sales page and sent it over, free of charge

Was flattered to get a response back the same day....

And to see the landing page updated with my copy the next day
This opened the door to future collaboration

We partnered to launch a few low-ticket projects

And in Q4 2019....

I pitched a high-ticket program
There was appetite, so I went DEEP

Researched the market for 100+ hours

Including 30-40 hours of calls with the customer avarar
I created a test offer

We launched it in Q1 2020

For 1/3 of what we now charge for the program
I validated the offer with 15 sales

From maybe 80 calls

Which is a bad closing rate by the way
Once we produced great client results

And acquired social proof

I redesigned the offer

Tripled the price

And I reworked the discovery call process
Since then, we close 25-35% of leads

This is 100% organic from two channels

And consistently generates 5 figures a week
This is a "done-with-you" coaching program

Structured like Traffic and Funnels or Sam Ovens

But in a completely different niche

Thanks for reading, and please don't ask me to give more granular detail

Cause I won't
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Thanks 👊
You can follow @oliviercantin.
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