BURN. IT. ALL. DOWN. https://twitter.com/ShawnaGore/status/1275921105773969410
One, this person is amazing for coming forward and amazing for being able to uphold the professionalism and quality of work she did in promoting that company while enduring atrocious, unacceptable behavior.

Two, all of these companies need to clean house. Sweeping changes.
Not just in who is hired to create, but also promote and edit as well. Every single one of these companies needs to perform a severe audit--freelancer by freelancer and staff member by staff member. And anyone who is an issue should be let go.
And I mean issue, not "issue." Which means you are getting rid of the liabilities, not the people those liabilities labeled "difficult" because they spoke up.
Because--and this is me at my most mercenary--abusers **** up the money. I don't care how well you think they've hidden their secrets. They destroy morale and run off talent and cause PR nightmares again and again and again.
These are entertainment companies. And it's not just about how well you put together a story anymore. It's about you. How you present to the masses. On panels. In interviews. On the rare red carpet.
And you cannot set an abuser out in front as the face of any IP you are trying to market without taking a massive risk. Because abusers do not know how to put any person or objective before their perverse desire to harm and exploit others.
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