You all know that classifying Jews as an ethnic group is not solely dependent on genetics, right? Itā€™s a factor, yes, but ethnicity is also tied to language, culture, nationhood, and other factors. An ethnic group can be tied to some or all of the above.
And, yes, Jews have common ancestry and that is a factor but not the only one. So to those denying that Jews are not an ethnic group based solely on baselessly denying our genetics, whatā€™s your excuse for denying everything else lol?
Let me illustrate for you:

Iā€™m both ethnically Latino, and ethnically Jewish. And, no, that does not mean one of my parents is Jewish and the other is Latino. Theyā€™re both both.
You see, Iā€™m not genetically tied to Central America. My ancestry is completely Jewish, but my family has been there for more than a century, even before my country claimed its independence.

Iā€™ve adopted the culture, the language, and the cuisine. I am part of the society.
Iā€™m ethnically Jewish because of my genetics, but also because Iā€™ve maintained Jewish culture, I speak Hebrew (not well but still), celebrate Jewish holidays and hence belong to the Jewish community at large.
Ethnicity is a complicated and sometimes elusive categorization. I feel like people should do some research before just flat out denying peopleā€™s heritage online.

Jews are an ethno-religious group.
So essentially, for whoever needs to hear this: shut the fuck up and stop agressively trying to correct Jews on what we are and what we arenā€™t. Listen more :)
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