Let's be super-clear. We are seeing a sharp rise in cases of #COVID19, largely, but not exclusively (e.g. California) in states that shut down late, opened up early, and where governors parroted @realDonaldTrump's nonchalance and ignorance about the threat of #SARSCoV2. 1/
There is no mystery: refusal to social distance, then opening up prematurely, w/o sufficient test-trace-isolate capacity in place, w/o any PPE (yes, masks) for people, w/o plans to help people through this process, has left us with virus raging thru many, many states. 2/
There is no secret, special reason that the United States of America, the richest nation on earth, is fucking this up so badly except that our political leaders are just incompetent, oblivious and frankly, evil, motherfuckers. 3/
No one has held governors or @realDonaldTrump, @senatemajldr or @GOPLeader accountable. They protect their families & are just fucking over the rest of us & watching while it happens. It's a form of power pornography, watching the little people die. It's fucking gross. 4/
You think we can wait until November 2020? Depends on how many more dead bodies we call can tolerate, how hard we can pray that it's not our mother, our sister, our partner, our best friend who is put into a medically induced coma and on a vent. 5/
We could start on the road to recovery tomorrow. It won't get better immediately, but we know what to do, have the skills and resources to do it. We just have to push @realDonaldTrump, @senatemajldr & @GOPLeader out of the way. They really couldn't care less if you were dead. 6/
If you want this to end, you have to fight. Now, not in November now. I don't know what to do, I don't have all the answers, but right now the status quo is "livable" for Trump, McConnell, McCarthy and the rest of the @GOP. We have to make the present intolerable to them. 7/
Time to get creative. Don't get numb, sad. OK, a little part of your day you can cry, I do, but we really have to figure this out. I don't think it's OK to have tens of thousands of more people die between now & the end of summer because a few men in DC think it's just fine. 8/
Oh and the @TheDemocrats won't save us. I don't even know what the hell they are doing right now. I don't hear anyone rallying us from the political class. 9/
So get on up. Find a few friends and make a plan to make the lives of your Senators and Representatives, your President and every member of his party miserable, unbearably miserable. Make them cry uncle before it's too late for the rest of us. end/
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