Gonna have a thread where I periodically link Neofolk songs I dig as an ez-preview for me to throw at people when I shill the genre
first the sun
then the moon
all the stars
from the sky
they will burn
they will fall
find their end for all times
most northerly midnight
arctic thrones of ice
black sun is screaming
turning out breath to ice
to be wrapped in it's glory
in the memory of this blood
to come alive in castles of ice
and glisten all about the Northern sky
little black angel as years roll by
I want you to fly with wings held high
I want you to live by the justice code
I want you to burn down freedom's road
When the open sky meets the trail
When the restless wind blows on the sail
My listless leaves will flutter fall
When the horizon's beckon calls
(sorrowful german sounds)
Then my lonliness closes in
So, I drink a German wine
And drift in dreams of other lives
And greater times
My candle burns at both ends
It will not last the night
But, ah my foes and oh, my friends
It gives a lovely light!
Safe upon the solid rock
The ugly houses stands
Come and see my shining palace
Built upon the sand
pls listen to this hymn like rendition of HWL/DFH I only listen to it sparingly as I dont want to ever tire of it
We go to sleep with
The Perfume Of Traitors
A Nosegay - A Saturn Day
We'll pillage upon return
And he came to me on a northern wind
And he flooded my mind in a river of light
And he wrapped my body in a breath of fire
Then he hid my soul in a cloak of night
See the swords of Glen Imayle, flashing o’er the English Pale
See all the children of the Gael, beneath O’Byrne’s banners
Rooster of a fighting stock, would you let a Saxon cock
Crow out upon an Irish rock, fly up and teach him manners
I have gone to where the wind may not blow upon my skin
Where the stars may not shine upon my name
I shall soon enough return to where I long and I yearn
And I swear that I will be the same
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