i am so TIRED so i need to get smth of my chest. i am BISEXUAL. yes i am more attracted to women and i have identified as a lesbian in the past but i AM NOT. so stop still referring to me as gay. so this is a thread of why schools should educate kids more on fluid sexuality +
up until a few months ago i thought i was gay. why? bcs i always felt more attracted to women and i thought bisexual meant being 50% into women and 50% into men. this is BULLSHIT. bcs u see sexuality is a fluid thing. you can be mainly into men and only a tiny bit into
women. this still makes u a bisexual (or whatever label u feel comfortable with) you are not worth less for not only liking one gender. and i feel like schools don’t ever tell kids about this. and a lot of people would have it way easier to discover themselves if they did
if kids where taught about the fluidity of gender/sexuality they would maybe find it way easier to accept their own. it is always portrayed as if you have to make a choice: either ur 100% (into) women, 100% (into) men or 50% (into) both. but it’s not that simple.
but honestly it’s also not that difficult. u see it’s like a scale. imagine: 1 would be 100% straight and 10 would be 100% gay. u can be 1 or 10 and it’s perfectly fine. but a lot of the time ppl are somewhere in the middle. there’s not one define percentage that makes out who u
are attracted to.
i personally had so many problems in terms of accepting who i am bcs i didn’t know about this for the longest time. i think that a lot of people don’t and honestly it’s a shame. so many kids struggle with accepting themselves and if teaching them stuff like
this can make it easier for only a few of them, well why don’t we then?
+ another thing: someone’s sexuality/gender is not your decision or your thing to brag about. when i “came out” as bi my cousin was deadass mad at me bcs i wasn’t “the gay cousin” anymore. but my sexuality
is not there to please you are to make u seem cooler or whatever. ik that people don’t wanna be mean by saying things like that but it just makes you feel worthless/unloved. so you don’t like me as much anymore bcs i like dick? what the fuck? honestly please just
stop saying things like these. i wouldn’t tell you that i would prefer you to be gay if you’re straight so don’t tell me to be someone i’m not. other people’s sexualities are none of your business. thanks for listening. (also this went all kinds of places sorry i lost myself)
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