Taehyung radiating the biggest Capricorn energy -- a thread
Taehyung calling out a younger Army for calling him without honorifics! PLEASE THIS SENDS!! 😭😭😭
Hobi said while reacting to their debut stage that "You can literally see the passion in our eyes" & Taehyung went "That’s the eyeliner" PLEASGSDFS 😭
When idol won an award for best MV & Taehyung went Spring Day is his favorite MV & LEFT! EYE-😭
When they've been asked "Who do you think looks best while wearing the outfits you're wearing now?" & Taehyung went “I'd say me” he said love yourself fellas
Remember when Hobi said Taehyung "You're not wearing makeup & your hair isn’t done, but you're still looking good!" & Taehyung just went "I don't need that" HE'S SO CONFIDENT!!
Not @ how Taehyung reading the instruction manual of UNO to get the whole game & winning it at the end! So genius! The dedication he has while playing games
Taehyung thinking deeply while calculating the direction of the pluck so that he can make it on 1 hit! That's so smart
Also He's so artistic and creative 🥺
As a Capricorn Taehyung saying how he's not good at expressing his feelings while writing songs but he still went "I'd like to write lyrics that convey true my true feelings" he's so passionate and hardworking 🥺
Not @ how Taehyung really worked hard for Winter Bear! He composed even on his busy schedules, directed the MV himself & went on streets to capture the wonderful sceneries as much as he can such a Capricorn 🥺
His love for his family like Remember when he showed us on vlive how he has his parents as his lockscreen! 🥺
Taehyung calling his dad while he's on his way to Norway! Such a sensible son 🥺
But also remember how Hobi made a joke about paprika & Taehyung went "DO YOU STILL WANT MY RESPECT?" IMDFGHSDSHHDS 😭
These few seconds just shows his inner Capricorn
His way of confidence brooooo how to be this much CONFIDENT! Taehyung spare me some bro
While filming Black Swan MV the way Taehyung said if he can take another take cause he wants everything to be perfect! So hardworking Capricorn
This video radiates Capricorn energy so hard!
Let's not forget how caring Capricorns are Remember when Taehyung heard a staff coughing & told them to drink lots of warm water! 🥺
Remember when Jimin complained about his pants being too big & Taehyung went out to buy a thread & a needle for him to get it fixed! He's so thoughtful 🥺
Ok but look at how Taehyung arranging the flowers so beautifully!
Also Lele Pons asking for Taehyung's number & Taehyung giving her his manager's number the most Capricorn thing he have ever done! PLS AHFSFGSDDSDS 😭😭😭
Taehyung turning the pack of chips into a bowl that's so smart & creative not @ how members were impressed with him !
Ok but this lowkey screams Taehyung's Capricorn self
This too
Namjoon saying how Taehyung stands out in mind games! He's so competitive
Also some of the replies on weverse tho such a Capricorn savage A$$! I CANT 😭
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