@IgnatiusPost 1/As a Colombian citizen, living in the US for decades, but in touch with family and friends there on a daily basis,, I believe you got played by President Iván Duque. You present him as a supporter of the peace plan who’s meticulous planning
2/ has helped the nation ride the crisis. I believe reality Is strikingly different. First Mr. Duque was elected on a platform against peace — and the country is being bled dry by murders of activists: hundreds of them

In early March, he started taking his clues from the Trump
3/administration denying that the crisis was of importance.

Please look up his TV conversation with doctor Manuel Elkin Patarroyo, a man of questionable scientific credentials, who disimissed the crisis pretty much as hysteria pushed by foreigners.
4/ (Similar to what we’ve seen here, with Larry Kudlow, VP Pence, and President Trump himself.).

The subsidies to 30 million people are also questionable. The groceriy bags were distributed by middlemen, party apparatchiks who got enormous markups.
5/ Half way through the quarantine people started hangin red flags out their windows to show they needed food. Mr. Duque´’s response was to hang the Colombian flag out their windows.

Banks allowed deferred payments, which astronomical interest rates.

Same with utilities.
6/ Same with utilities.

The gig economy, which is a major part of the nation, is in shambles. Someone told me the current crisis has set the war on poverty at least two decades.

I don’t believe you’ve really researched your piece, Mr. Ignatius. Perhaps you could talk to other
7/ Colombians — those who are not sheltered in bubbles and who have no political interest in presenting a rosy picture. That is those telling the truth.

Thank you for listening, sir.
@petrogustavo @GustavoBolivar @fernapaba @KarolSolisMenco
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