Musical 👏 Theatre 👏 isn't 👏 only 👏 on 👏 Broadway!
Conversely: Not everything on Broadway is Musical Theatre!
Broadway is a local theatre community in New York City where the art form of Musical Theatre evolved. Not every musical is a Broadway show. Heathers isn't. Little Shop wasn't until the early 2000's.
I love Broadway, but I want you to love your local theatre community, too. I love my LA theatre community - in the past couple years alone it brought us Soft Power & THE BEST (and most innovative) Little Shop I've EVER SEEN.
And I want you to love your weird black box reimaginings, your genderbent Shakespeares in the park, your basic high school production of Bye Bye Birdie that your niece is in. IT'S ALL THEATRE.
Or think about Chicago's Steppenwolf Theatre Company? Their local productions are consistently transferred to Broadway because they're SO GOOD. Or the Alley Theatre in Houston has, to this day, the BEST Christmas Carol I've ever seen (I'm not kidding).
Once we can all go see theatre again, don't stress yourself out having to ONLY see these big expensive national tours. They're great, but I bet there's a local community theatre doing something cool.
And please don't discount high school theatre shows, your kid will love it just as much as the big schmancy national tours.
When I was in middle school my mom music directed the shows at a nearby high school. Those kids were like GODS to me.
I dunno why I threw this in a different thread yesterday but ‘tis relevant.
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