So thread alert re: NASCAR, Bubba Wallace, and the events of the past three weeks. CW: racism
Good NASCAR Twitter has been very vocal about supporting progressive change this past three weeks. They have been vocal about being happy for change and welcoming to new fans.
Bad NASCAR Twitter has been sullen about needed change. They’ve actively victim blamed because clearly it’s Bubba’s fault he’s black. They are incapable of seeing a full picture instead of just brief moments. They’re all about brief moments.
There’s a failure to comprehend that you don’t see a pull cord tied just the wrong way as a noose when it’s end of season, everyone’s tired, and folks aren’t as on edge because of protests against police violence toward black people.
Or on edge because it’s the first race since the instituted ban on the confederate flag, and where fans will be in attendance.
It’s not just that NASCAR was already on edge looking for any fucked up drama from racist throwbacks, Bubba’s team is doubly on edge because they’ve seen the things he’s dealt with well before June 2020.
Now, more details - the pull cord that got tied up to make it easier to grab by whoever. (I think I saw something that said someone on the 21 team tied it that way months ago.)
First, if I, a Not That Handy Person, wanted to make something easier to grab while at a place temporarily, I’d have tied it in a loop with your standard knot because that’s all I know.
I saw someone say it clearly couldn’t be a noose because that’s not the type of knot you use, aka it wouldn’t tighten up. Well no shit if you want to use it like a pull and KNOW HOW TO TIE KNOTS. Let’s list the people or professions that know how to tie knots:
Sailors. Boy Scouts. Maybe people in manual labor fields like construction or, I don’t know, car guys.
It should also be noted that the two oldest teams in the garage are the 21 team and the 43 team.
Also also, I’ve seen someone say something about they should have put a pull handle on there instead of fashioning like they did. The teams don’t own the stalls, they use them for a weekend.
So the average layperson or probably most people in the garage are not going to know how to tie special knots. Or recognize special knots. It looked like a noose.
And here’s where Bad NASCAR Twitter needs to really listen - if you’re not black, and you haven’t had to really think about receiving death threats for the color of your skin, you’re not going to see it as a noose. That’s your white privilege showing.
I actively watched the conversations on NASCAR Twitter the past three weeks. I actively looked at the comment sections on various drivers’ accounts. Let’s be clear - y’all know that Dale Jr got mildly chastised by fans he “disappointed” for posting in favor of BLM.
Ryan Blaney got Dad Lectured by fans that were unhappy. Bubba got the vitriol. He got the nastiest comments even when other drivers were more vocal or have been vocal for longer. (Dale Jr is older and has a bigger name. He’s very anti-flag.)
We all know why Bubba has gotten the worst of it since he came up through the sport - because how dare he be noticeably black.
They want a black driver to sit there and smile and take what has been humbly given to him.
I’ve never seen @Jesse_Iwuji be anything but positive and non-controversial, but someone felt it necessary to create a meme of him with the n word on it.
Jesse is also in the military. Funny how kneeling quietly during the anthem is an insult to the military but making a meme out of a military member and calling him the n word is probably totally cool with that racist set.
Bubba came up through the ranks without a sponsor following him. In racing, you have to have money. Of your own, or from a sponsor. Talent only gets you so far. Ask Jen Burton, someone with a racing family, how it is going it on your own. It’s hard!
Bubba has done a lot with less than others of the same caliber. And no matter how good or bad he does, he’ll initially get judged based on the color of his skin first. He’ll have either had success because he was given a diversity chance, or lack of success will be the same.
Women have been treated the same. Danica came in with a sponsor and name recognition. Never mind that going from open wheel to stock is night and day. (Ask Juan Pablo Montoya, who’s raced literally everything, how hard it was.)
Talent in NASCAR is subjective based on funding. Bubba is not on a well funded team. That’s a fact. None of this is a PR stunt just to help him. Should I mention I also used to do PR? Let’s talk about that portion of the argument for a second.
People want to say that there was “overreacting” and NASCAR or Bubba’s team did all this for PR. PR is supposed to be about being open and honest in communicating with your audience. Owning a problem and staying out front of the issue.
If someone finds something that looks like a noose to most people at a time of heightened racial tension when your organization has taken an active stance against racism, you take action.
Action is investigating. Action is telling your audience quickly that there’s been an incident and you’re taking a proactive approach to getting answers.
Action is protecting the wounded party. The NASCAR organization protected Bubba, the 43 team, and every black person in that garage by launching an investigation.
An investigation was conducted. Thankfully this is a sport with tons of cameras, tons of media. Tons of fans that take pictures constantly. It’s known for having the most access for fans.
After the results, the trolls were happy to scream because Bubba didn’t immediately react the exact way they wanted. But guess what? What they wanted was “it wasn’t a noose so I’ll jusy stop racing and you can totally have the confederate flag back”.
The initial NASCAR statement after the fact left some holes. They got filled in overnight. Bubba is pleased that no one he sees weekly hung a noose in his stall.
This doesn’t diminish the fact that drivers were supporting Bubba leading up to Monday and had been reaching out to him. This doesn’t diminish that there’s been a shift in the sport. Hell yall, an 82-year-old man who social distances and hates kneeling got down there!
It’s the fact that it’s not unbelievable that someone would do that that people should be against. Supporting Bubba is supporting every black person in the sport - in the pits, behind the wheel, in the office, in the booth.
And supporting black people in the sport is about saying racism is bad. Quit victim blaming. Acknowledge that people have done evil things based on race. Then vow that you’ll be part of the solution, not the problem.
If you feel like Bubba should be quiet about race, you’re part of the problem. And if you think anyone in NASCAR should shut up about it, you’re part of the problem. We won’t miss you if you leave.
Oh, and also also, Bubba speaks up because finally he has the support. Do y’all understand that even a few months ago him speaking up would have meant being blackballed? (I also think he’s so mad that he doesn’t care about being blackballed anymore.)
Bubba speaking up is for all those that can’t. I’m not putting words in her mouth, but think of pit crew members like @Mindless_BMD. Bre is black AND female. On a pit crew. Slinging tires. She’s seen stuff. She’s heard stuff. Bubba is a voice for her and everyone else.
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