How dark magic & alchemy is used on the general public by the high wizards and warlocks of the global cabal -


Hello, sweet sages of Succoth - I'm back again with another wicked thread of mystical delights for you all.

A scrumptious & wicked treat!
As per my thread request tweet, this topic was the number one suggestion for the thread, so in the spirit of public demand - Let's dive in and discuss these very occult topics -

Occult magic is very commonly used on the unware and mostly docile public, they have spells cast on
them each and every day, and don't even know it! - Let me give you an example. You ever had food from Mcdonalds? Yes, probably at some point right? You may wish to reconsider it. Mcdonalds is a highly satanic outfit connected to the cabal. The food they produce is not
real and it NEVER breaks down, even if you leave it sitting out for several years - They even a museum in Iceland (where Mcdonalds is now banned) that has a decade or so old burger and fries still sitting intact - why does it not rot like normal food? Because it is cursed.
You see, these companies are extremely sick at the highest levels, it ain't good people who run these organizations. Now before we go any further, I want to state the original Mcdonalds family members who started the chain - were bought out of the company by a Mr. Ray Croc
Ray Croc was a well-known NWO elite & member of Bohemian Grove (if your not aware of this, its a yearly meeting of the elites in a forest in northern California, they do very weird occult rituals and "mock" sacrifices)
Anyways, back to Mcdonalds, they were also awarded in excess of over 40 million dollars of taxpayers dollars to set up branches all over the world under the guise of foreign aid. The food is vile and it will clog your insides and make you depressed, it actually tastes rotton
in reality, but as they plaster it with MSG and other horrid chemicals so it gives the illusion it tastes nice. (MSG was first used by the Japanese army in WW2 - to make the soldiers' rations taste better) You put this stuff on crap and it would be edible.
Moving on - anybody ever drink Pepsi? You may wish to wish to avoid this going forward.

Here is a good reason why - They were using a chemical named HEK-293 - which was a flavor enhancer made from aborted fetal cells dating back to the 1970s
They did this up to 2011 - but then suddenly declared they were no longer using this chemical in their products, mainly due to a nationwide boycott by a pro-life group in the USA - so if you consumed Pepsi up to 2011ish you probably drank some bits of dead babies. Very sick.
let's talk about another lovely chemical, that is still added to SEVERAL products people buy each day - Aspartame.

This stuff is a "sweetener" used in diet and low sugar drinks to make it taste "better." What is it? You ever heard of the e-coli bacteria? Its the poo
that e-coli shits out. Yes, you have probably digested the shit of a bacteria. The further you go down this rabbit hole the worse it becomes, I swear, the public is so naive and fooled it's almost UNBELIEVABLE what is being done to them. Avoid Aspartame, it is vile
Now your probably wondering, what has this got to with dark magic and alchemy?

EVERYTHING - Because that's what it is. When you take something that's meant to be good/fun to consume and trick people into taking it via flashy logos and marketing, that is alchemy, that is dark
magic - you see, it's not some elites in a dark room summoning demons (they actually do that, however) Its stuff we do in everyday life that we consider being NORMAL - This is how the Satanists operate, they get us to sign on to their wicked methods - by us giving them consent!
It gives them carte blanch to keep doing it - Because they can always say - "Well, you knew, or you never actually looked into it enough to find out the truth" They prey on the mass IGNORANCE of the masses.
They can even do it more simply, they can use basic word tricks -

Like Bill Gates in 2015 when he said a deadly virus would be the biggest threat to the world going forward. This was not him predicting the futute, this was him TELLING us what was planned.
For the same reason, "I told you, and you never stopped me" Notice how they always wear light coloured jumpers and glasses and act all geeky and innocent, this again, is dark magic, its camouflage - to trick you. If anybody reading this wore glasses, a pink jumper and spoke calmy
with any level of intelligence, you would be respected more and people would take your opinion more seriously. All a mind game, all magic.
Let's look at Melinda Gates - She recently appeared on TV wearing an upside-down cross and a ruby red rose behind it.

This means in the occult "dying sun" It is one of the evilest & most satanic symbols you will ever see.

It means the world being burned to crisp and dying.
Yet, these people act all humanitarian and as if they want to save the world and help the kids, etc.

On one hand, they do, but this is AGAIN is another magic trick, Satanists believe they must balance out the good deeds with the bad - so they may help X amount of people on one
hand, but on the other, they do VERY evil stuff to more people. In their minds, this gives them karmic protection, so they can keep on doing it, over and over again.

The public just adapts and accepts it anyways, so can you blame them?

Who is going to stop them?
They also use music for this, the lyrics in popular music are always laced with satanic words and when you play tracks in reverse you will hear these spells being cast open people - they invert EVERYTHING. I keep saying this, because it's true, when you hear a world leader saying
"We aim to bring about prosperity and peace" what they really mean "we want poverty and chaos" If you invert things that are said by mainstream politicos and the news networks etc, it will make A LOT more sense, try it, you will see what I mean.
You see, evil is always organized, and ALWAYS fills the vacuum where good men/women do nothing. Unless we start getting informed and standing up collectively, things will only become worse for us all.
I hope you guys enjoyed this thread - Ask me any questions in the comments below -

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