Look, people still want romance. Plenty of people want to be flirted with, because when it's right, it's the BEST.

But when you're wondering how to flirt without being labeled a predator, you're missing the whole point that people exist and have feelings outside of yourself.
Successfully flirting with someone feels great. But your own feelings should be secondary. If you want to flirt without being labeled a predator, then you should truly, HONESTLY be thinking about how you are making the other person feel.
What does this look like?

It looks like being interested in the other person as a human, and listening to what makes them feel good with the express intention to lift them up.

It's stopping when they want to stop because you care about THEM; not because of your reputation.
If your whole goal for flirting is to feel something solely for yourself, you're doing it all wrong.

If you're flirting because you've found someone you feel a connection with, make a connection! If it's right, sparks will happen. If it doesn't, it shouldn't be forced.
At this point, if you're sitting here thinking that you DO just want to make someone else feel good... Do you? Consider that you're already depersonalizing the whole concept by saying "someone."

Work on feeling good about yourself-- a real person-- before moving on to "someone"
PS: If your goal really is just to pick up women to feel good about yourself as a pickup artist-- fine. Just admit that to yourself, and don't be surprised when you're outed, and your game is ruined. It's karma for treating people like objects. 🍵
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