You can believe Black Lives Matter and not support BLM as an organization. I think that’s one of the things people get hung up on. “Black Lives Matter” is not political. It’s about human rights and a school of thought that seeks to equalize and elevate black lives (1)
Not to be superior, but to be equal. In doing so, representations of subjugation need to be removed from places of reverence and language needs to be changed. However, that’s the minimum that needs to be done.
Better funding in education, fair sentencing, removing bias from policing....the list goes on. So based on some of the things they’ve said, I would actually say that without claiming it, Larry Elder, Candace al., also subscribe to the idea that Black Lives Matter too.
They’ve just politicized it and made it about Republican vs. Democrat, when really it’s about equity vs. inequity. (4)
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