Venus is not beauty but the standard of beauty. Venus decides what is beautiful and what is not.

Venus owns beauty. Venus selects. Venus procures.

Venus expands its concept of beauty by coopting what it once considered ugly. (1/12)
Libra is not justice but the law.

Saturn (exalted) establishes the rules. Venus enforces the rules in polite society. (2/12)
Libra is the protection afforded by association with the protected class.

Libra is the way we communicate our desirability in the context of society.

Libra is relationship as social mobility.(3/12)
Taurus is stability through wealth and property. The bounty without the toil of planting and harvest. The plantation.

Venus BUYS the land, house, food, and labor.

The Moon luxuriates in simple indulgences w/o the complication of knowing what makes indulgence possible. (4/12)
Venus is the luxury afforded the landed, the monied, the protected.

Venus is the staunch defender of the status quo.

It’s white people, ok: Venus is white people. (5/12)
When you see people furious at having to wear a mask in public —


Furious that it is being forced to acknowledge its vulnerability. (6/12)
When you see people demanding that towns and cities be reopen so that they can get haircuts, eat at restaurants, have parties —


Furious that it is not allowed its everyday pleasure: to participate in the performance of polite society. (7/12)
When you see police brutality and white supremacy —


Furious that anyone dare challenge its notions of who does and does not belong and the institutional apparatus that seeks to enforce its boundaries. (8/12)
When you see Black wealth by and large absent in this moment, it is in protection of their proximity to capital (whiteness) as a gateway to desire that holds them back. (9/12)
Even in devotion and ritual we ask Venus to fulfill our desires — for a partner, for money, for pleasure — either because we do not have access to these things or because our privilege does not yet match our ambition. (10/12)
Venus is benefic to the extent that it defines our desirability in relationship whose protection allows ease of movement toward our sense of stability and bounty which affords lightness, pleasure, frivolity, sweetness, chocolate, gardens, games, parties and fine things. (11/12)
Venus is exclusive, but it’s exclusivity is defined by Saturn. Social mores are slow to change but evolve toward more inclusion.

Saturn is the wisdom of knowing what is worth protecting and when to stop fighting. Venus expands as we force open Saturnian boundaries. (12/12)
But I just thought of all this like last night and this morning so what do you think?
Reading my own Venus and Venus rules sign placements as my own proximity to and relationship with whiteness is illuminating to say the least 🤯
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