Climate change is going to affect the whole planet. Floods, heatwaves, extreme weather… Food security issues, conflict, water scarcity. You name it. It’s going to be worse for poor countries.

But there’s still hope. Even in a world where COVID is causing massive disruption and tragedy, ideas like a green new deal offer us the best hope of building a better future.

We’re going to need to work really really hard. We need to do it all. Cities full of nature. Urban food growing. Renewable energy, and reduced energy use. Loads more cycling and walking. Less cars. Insulate the homes.

Yes I know. It’s lots to think about. Find people who you can talk to. Read. Think. Act. I deeply believe we can do this, and we can do it together. We must - for each and every one of us born and not yet born.


Shameless plug for my blog on this
Slight erratum, in retrospect tweet 2 may have overplayed the importance of the permafrost as the cause - but definitely seems to contribute! Error/N
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