A Trans Thread for Latter-day Saints:

Remember how in 1830 when the gospel was restored we were The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but folks kept telling us we were Mormon? It was confusing, on the inside we always felt like the COJCOLDS, but... —Zandra 1/thread
We were socialized to be Mormons. It was hard being members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we were ostracized and no matter what we said others kept insisting we were Mormons so we began to accept it. —Zandra /2
The acceptance was kind of nice we had that really witty ad in the Book of Mormon Musical play bill that said, “You’ve seen the play, now read the book!” Jimmy Fallon laughed with us not at us. Mormon Mitt wore cool Costco shirts. Ahhh, those were good times. —Zandra /3
Yet there was always this nagging unwholeness, we wanted to be recognized as followers of Jesus on the outside because that’s who we truly are. Being classified as Mormon didn’t express our full Christan identities. So in 2018 we decided to begin transitioning. —Zandra /4
It didn’t happen all at once. We started by giving up the name Mormon. Then we announced we’d only be going by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We also listed the pronouns we’d use, Latter-day Saint(s), Saint(s), Church of Jesus Christ. —Zandra /5
We had lots of documents to change, this took time, there were new domains & social media handles to work out. We didn’t even reveal our new logo & image until 2020! Transitioning is a process. Now we look different and sometimes it’s confusing for others. —Zandra /6
People still slip up and use our old name and pronouns sometimes, so we simply remind them. Change is hard, but it’s worth it when it brings you closer to who you always were. We took on the name Jesus Christ and now we can finally be called by His name. —Zandra /7
This is obviously an oversimplified example of our recent church transitions beside the complexity of trans folks lived experiences. But I hope it has use in seeking empathy and respect and letting go of our biases towards others. —Z /8
We know how to change names, use new pronouns & give up old ones. We know everyone else doesn’t need to understand our why or even agree in order to simply call us what we’re asking to be called. Some folks will never consider us “real” Christians. We don’t care. —Zandra /9
What we should care about is bearing burdens, mourning, and comforting others through their transitions. Because the whole reason we took on the name of Jesus Christ, is to be more like Christ in God’s other children’s lives. 💕🙏🏿 Let us change in Christ Saints! —Zandra 10/end
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